Rose Lindsay Pfaff is a  musician, composer, sculptor, performer and
teacher.  She has founded six music programs in the United States. 
Her unique style of teaching and her pioneering work in creating,
composing for, and performing her Sound Sculptures have achieved wide
acclaim in the United States and Canada.
Ms. Pfaff received her MFA in composition from California Institute
of the Arts and undergraduate and graduate degrees in music from
East Carolina University.

Rose is a gifted musician, sound sculpture artist, teacher,
and performer.”
Barry Schrader
Faculty, California Institute of the Arts
Advisor Sound Sculpture 1 and Sound Sculpture 2

Rose is an outstanding professional who has a lot to offer the arts community.
William Pearson Carroll
Associate Dean and Professor
School of Music
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

“Rose, you are the only person making a presentation about my work while I am on tour in the United States and Canada. I am so impressed and very appreciative. I think you are a star.”
Lily Tomlin

Contact Rose @