Rose Lindsay Pfaff has been developing the multi-media form of Sound Sculpture since 1971. In 1974, as fellowship recipient in the Master of Fine Arts program in music composition at California Institute of the Arts, she chose three materials to work with:  industrial Corning glass, Brazilian rosewood, and thick-walled brass.  She worked in the School of Music, the School of Design, the School of Dance, and the School of Film at CalArts to develop this interdisciplinary art form.  Sound Sculpture premiered in Theatre 1, California Institute of the Arts in 1974.

Rose Lindsay Pfaff's Sound Sculptures have been seen and heard
by audiences in Toronto, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Pasadena, Greensboro, and Chapel Hill.  They have been featured
in corporations, galleries, schools and churches.

“I think the work of Rose Lindsay Pfaff in Sound Sculpture is brilliant!”
Tom Philion
CEO, Seattle Symphony

A Rose Lindsay Pfaff Sound Sculpture is more than a unique medium.
It is an exciting, interdisciplinary experience in music and art.
Rose is actively seeking patrons to continue her work.  More information available in the Patronage Flyer.